Never Normal Newsletter

Making a Racket About Quality Questions and Great Ideas

I took a little break from recording new episodes of the Never Normal podcast over the summer. In the meantime, I’ve swapped seats and been the subject of a few interviews recently.

“When it rains it pours” as they say…

I did an interview for Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global community about the process of becoming a digital nomad.

I thought this was an interesting question that doesn’t get asked very often:

Has any aspect of the lifestyle and career been easier than expected? Is there anything that you thought would be difficult but, in reality, hasn’t been?

Any guesses what I said? The photo above is an obscure hint…

You can find my answer and the rest of that interview here.

I also did an interview with Lauren for Freedom is Everything (love that title!). We ended up covering so much territory that the interview includes a table contents:

Making a Racket

​Great things are said to come in threes… I also had a fun conversation with Reddy (that’s this guy 👇)

We talked about Quality Questions — where the idea came from, what we’ve learned so far, and what’s coming next.

We recorded the conversation using Racket, a new and very simple/lightweight service for making what amount to mini-podcasts (audio only, up to nine minutes in length).

I really enjoyed the format. It’s all “meat”, no filler. And Racket makes it very easy to publish and share. No need for editing and post-production.

You can listen here.

Where Do Great Ideas Come From?

​Reminder – This Thursday, July 15th, I’m hosting an Interintellect salon (aka a live, evening-length discussion on Zoom that is not recorded) on Cultivating Creativity: Where Do Ideas Come From?

There’s no prerequisite knowledge or membership required. Salons are open to the public (but you do need to register in advance).

You can find all of the details and tickets here.