Never Normal Podcast

Self Care, Shadow Work, and Starting Up on the Side with Amanda Goetz (Episode 012)

You’re supposed to be satisfied once you’ve “made it”…

But what if you’re not?

What if you “check all the boxes” but find yourself craving a new adventure? What if you’d rather go build something new?

What do you do when you have a crazy idea that you just can’t let go of? How do you chase a dream when it the world wants you to settle for safety? And how do you balance your aspirations with your obligations?

Amanda Goetz is the founder of House of Wise, a luxury CBD brand for women. She’s also the part-time Chief Marketing Officer for Teal. And she has a popular account with a very engaged following on Twitter.

On top of all that, Amanda is a single mom with three young kids!

In this episode we discuss: