Most of what I write in this newsletter is about how to break free from the default plan and create a life you love. And on the Never Normal podcast, I share examples and stories of people who have done just that.
But the truth is, as much as I love thinking and writing about bending the rules and changing the world, the most important changes are always in our own minds.
That’s why the first line of my journal every single day — before I get to the goals and to do lists and notes about what I’m learning — is gratitude.
“Creating a life you love” requires taking the time and making the effort to love your life.
And it’s in that spirit that I want to share this…
Srikumar Rao’s Alternate Reality Exercise
This is a Mindvalley podcast episode from a couple of years ago, but I just stumbled upon it recently. You can find it at the link above, or by searching for “The 3 Core Concepts To Help You Make A Quantum Leap” in your favorite podcast app.
(Ignore the cheesy title and feel free to skip the first 3 mins 30 seconds)
The reason I’m sharing this is because in less than an hour, Srikumar covers much of my own philosophy. Not that I came up with it myself, but rather, he packs in lessons that have taken me years of my life and countless books to learn on my own.
I wish I’d heard this sooner, but even now, I found it very worthwhile.
The best part comes around 37 minutes: “The Alternate Reality” exercise, but the whole thing is worth listening to.
I have this saved to listen to again and again, especially anytime I’m feeling frustrated, angry, or in some kind of a funk for whatever reason.
What I’m Working on Now / Building in Public
Speaking of my journal… I recently shared these raw notes from journal in response to this week’s Quality Question:

The Bitcoin Family is moving to Portugal
Back in 2017 (when Bitcoin was under $1,000) Didi Taihuttu and his family sold everything and went all-in on BTC.
Now, after spending the last five years traveling to 40 different countries, they’ve decided to settle in Portugal.
Why? Portugal has a 0% tax on cryptocurrencies.
But you don’t have to be a bitcoin billionaire to move to a new country for a tax break.
One of the advantages of being a digital nomad is that you can choose to base yourself in countries that have lower taxes or other advantages and incentives for moving there.
It’s So Angry! 😡
This twitter thread below reminded me of a conversation I had a while back with a fellow American who is also living overseas.
We both noticed that whenever we come back to the states to visit, it feels like everyone is on edge all the time.
If you’re feeling frustrated or on edge, definitely check out that podcast :I linked above, or just watch this short video (less than a minute), it should do the trick too:
That’s all for this week. More soon!

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I write occasional emails to share what I’m thinking, learning, and doing. It’s all related to the idea of breaking free from the “default plan” in life.
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