Never Normal Newsletter

Hiring Help, Dancing for the Queen, and the World’s Best Breakfast

Hello again from Turkey 👋

Last week I wrote about a few of the travel lessons I relearned on this trip.

I’m still here and enjoying the beautiful weather, fragrant flowers, some of the world’s best breakfasts (I’ve probably eaten my bodyweight in gooey honeycomb, hot bread, and tangy cheese), and…

…working hard!

Since I joined the founding team at Genki it’s been full on. We’re growing even faster than planned, which is great, but it also means that there’s a lot to do and think about.

That’s left me with less time for writing and recording new Never Normal podcasts recently. But there are still tons of ideas I want to share and people I’d like to interview (read to the end for a HUGE 👑 update from a previous guest).