Never Normal Newsletter

Climbing Hills, Setting Goals, and Learning to Read

Last week I wrote about finding yourself and whether it’s a “success killer” to travel in your youth (instead of going all-in on career early on).

Reader Lukas replied to say:

This is great! Thanks for writing it!

I also enjoyed the McAskill quote about “spending 5% of your time deciding how to spend the 95%”.

I’m now wondering about the different ways on where to place those 5% … most of it at the beginning of your career (= the travel and finding yourself) or sprinkled throughout your life (= short sabbaticals)? I assume the latter is better because plans and goals keep changing.

Here’s my take:


Escape. Explore. Experience.

This is a mini-manifesto I wrote in 2014, before this website existed in it’s current form.

The default path is not for everyone. You don’t need to borrow a bunch of money and go to a university just to learn something. Don’t waste your life stuck in traffic. Being successful doesn’t have to mean spending the next 30 years sitting in a cubicle at some corporate job you hate. You don’t need a bigger house or a new car. Owning more stuff won’t make you happy.